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Sample Day


8-8:15 Arrival, students are walked to their classroom by their grownups
8:15-9 Story, Calendar, Fine Motor Centers
9-9:30 Phonemic Awareness Centers
9:30-10 Number Concept Centers
10-10:30 Snack and Recess
10:30-11 Gross Motor or Music
11-11:30 Art or Nature Wander
11:30 Half Day 3 year olds go home here
11:30-12 Recess
12-12:30 Lunch


12:30-1:15 Rest Time
1:15-2 Themed Classroom time (seasons, religion, holidays, etc.)
2-2:15 Recess
2:15 Dismissal on Tuesdays
2:15-3 Free Choice and Story Time
3-3:15 Dismissal All days but Tuesdays